Tantra - a holistic way to yourself

What is Tantra?

Tantra emerged in the early Middle Ages in Indira as a flow of Indian philosophy and esoteric form of Hinduism and later of Buddhism. It is a holistic world view that incorporates all mental and physhical faculties of man.

At the beginning of the 20th century, when Tantra was finding more and more followers in the West, another sexual component was added.
The term Neo- Tantra goes back to the Indian philosopher Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, later known as Osho. Osho recognized the yearning for a combination of physicality and spirituality and developed a contemporary form of teaching, a holistic bodywork that allows sensual-sexual sensations.

The word Tantra comes from Sanskrit. It consists of the syllables: “Tan” (from “tanoti= stretch) and “Tra” (from “tryati= free). One can translate “Tantra” among others as “Exemption by extension”.

 What does extension mean?

It means that a Tantric gradually expands their awareness into every aspect of their life. You are practicing to consider everything in life as something sacred, step by step. Tantra does not demarcate anything or reject anything; everything is included so that you end up with an all-embracing love.

Tantra is love and acceptance

This includes self-love, the full acceptance of one’s self, but also the unconditional love of accepting and loving others as they are.

The more you love, the more untouched spaces, where love does not stop pouring, will open like an aura around you.

Live with your body, your emotions and yearnings in every single moment that life brings to you. Accept yourself fully. Accept yourself as a perfect being and you will experience your true self.

The body – God’s temple

Unlike most spiritual traditions, directions and religions, the body is not rejected in Tantra.
On the contrary, body is worshiped as the temple of the divine. The encounter of two bodies is regarded as something sacred and consciously lived, even celebrated.

Tantra basically means to have an affirmative attitue towards life. This includes our own limitations and “no’s” as well as our sexuality, desires and needs, as well as our fears and inhibitions.

Sexual power

Unlike other ascetic teachings, in Tantra sexual power is one of the strongest sources of energy. It is the power through with which we were born. The sexual energy is our foundation, it is pure life energy, neither good nor bad , just natural.

Through society and religion, the issue of sexuality and sexual power has been contaminated and suppressed.

What happens when sexual power is suppressed and can not flow freely? There are blockages of a physical and psychological nature, as the sexual power seeks other channels to express itself.

Energy is always dynamic and therefore can not remain static. Man becomes dissatisfied and agressive, he strives for material success or power.

Union, fusion, meditation

During the sexual act, at the moment of orgasm, man gets the first glimpse of awakening, of meditation.
In orgasm, as in ecstasy, all thoughts disappear. For just a moment total awareness comes through. Suddenly we are connected with creation, no thoughts, no control – bliss. Unfortunately, this moment passes quickly and the head begins working again.

But the awareness that absence of thought can lead to ecstasy prompted the quest to extent this moment. That was meditation.
Thus the union of Shiva (man) and Shakti (woman) in the advanced Tantric ritual is much more than a symbolic act or a pleasurable encounter.

In Tantra, encounter becomes meditation.

It is a deep experience of merging – uniting with oneself, with the ritual partner, and with everything else.




Tantra is consciousness

Tantra teaches the language of consciousness, of becoming aware, because being conscious is not burdened with the past or busy with the future. It is life in the present, right now.

Any action that comes out of a great awareness will be mindful and respectful. Conscious and active people are balanced and peaceful, they will not want to harm another person.

Consciousness creates spontaneity and creativity. Everything is filled with pleasure and joy; the energy can flow and life can unfold.

Tantra is an exciting encounter of the sexes, a feast of the senses, a rediscovery of innocence, the liberation from personal and social constraints and healing of the woman-men relationship. It is the connection to the heart and the immersion in absolute love.

Tantra for healing

In Tantra, we can not avoid feeling our wounds. Paradoxically, our wounded areas are the gateway to intimacy and our true nature.
The healing of our wounds, the acceptance and enjoyment as well as the celebration of our eroticism, is a theme in Tantra. Before we can use our sexual energy for our spiritual development and spiritual awakening, before a sexual union merges into meditation, before we can indulge in ecstatic states, our old wounds need loving care and attention.

Tantra offers a safe space in which we can allow ourselves to really feel what we feel.

As long as senses and uprocessed pain is stored in our body the energy can not flow freely.
Healing also means facing the pain.
In the openness and willingess to feel what is – desire as well as pain, joy as well as anger or grief and also our sexual sensations – transformation is possible. Experiences transform and lead us directly into being.
In being our heart opens, we can relax in the deepest level because we no longer have to be anyone but the one we really are.

This is how Tantra creates a safe space to open up and experience this. Tantra offers you the opportunity to integrate the experiences within a protected space so that it will bear fruit in everyday life.

Target of Tantra

The goal of Tantra is enlightenment, that is absolute presence, the attainment of a state free from delusion and distraction. We are talking about a state that is not temporary but permanent. 
The human being as a whole becomes the essence of the Absolute, which means to be in complete unity with the world and to conceive of it as universal love!


Book your massage

If you have any questions or would like to book your relaxing Tantra massage, please call or email us.

Phone and Whatsapp:  +49 1525 709 63 37

Email:     massage@somatantramassage.de