Intimate Lingam Massage for the Man

Lingam Massage

The word lingam comes from Sanskrit and refers to the entire male intimate area. The word lingam is very popular in Tantra because it is free from the connotations of our current language and is historically associated with loving care and reverence.

Within a sensual full body massage, the lingam massage is integrated without any sexual exchange taking place. Those who can let themselves fall into the hands of an experienced tantric masseuse experience an immersion in a timeless space where boundaries disappear. It is a sensual journey through one’s own body.

Even though the lingam massage is an erotic massage, reaching a climax is not the primary goal. The lingam itself and thus masculinity is the centre of attention here. During our lingam massage, not only the penis, but also the testicles, pelvic floor area and the external anal area are lovingly massaged.

With attentive and sensual touches, the lingam massage has an energising effect and gets the sexual energies flowing. The reflex zones of the lingam are activated, which has a relaxing but also strengthening effect on the man and his entire body.

Because this massage is only about receiving, the focus is exclusively on the needs of the man. Thus, the man gets to know his wishes and also himself better. For many men this can be an absolutely new and surprising experience. Through this art of touching, the man learns to understand that the lingam is not just a functional organ, but wants to be touched and treated like a sensitive love organ. The lingam massage offers men the possibility to discover new ways and qualities of their sexuality, but also the quality of touch, for themselves in a completely new way.

Through this intensive attention, the mental and spiritual dimension is integrated in addition to the physical. This can be an extremely spiritual experience for many men. For many, their relationship to their body and to their sexuality changes permanently. By letting go of expectations, control and pressure to perform, the Lingam Massage enables a deep encounter with oneself and opens the space for the man to feel fully accepted and embraced in his masculinity. Old ideas of intimacy can be released.

With a lingam massage, blockages can be released and men who suffer from premature ejaculation or also from potency disorders can delay the time to orgasm during sexual intercourse through a regularly performed lingam massage. Many men have a very good experience complementing the Lingam massage with a prostate massage.


Prostata Massage

Anatomically, the prostate corresponds to the G-spot of the woman. Embedded in a sensual tantric massage, the prostate massage is prepared by a sensitive anal massage. Most men find the prostate massage very pleasant and it gives them a heightened sense of pleasure. The more relaxed the man is, the deeper the touch can go and the more intense it can be experienced. Most of the nerves of the male body are located in the rectum. Stimulation can trigger an orgasm in some men, which is not necessarily accompanied by ejaculation.


Anatomisch gesehen entspricht die Prostata dem G-Punkt der Frau. Eingebettet in eine sinnliche Tantramassage wird die Prostata Massage durch eine einfühlsame Analmassage vorbereitet. Besonders die Prostata Massage empfinden die meisten Männer als sehr angenehm und sie verschafft ihnen ein gesteigertes Lustempfinden. Je entspannter der Mann dabei ist, so tiefer kann die Berührung gehen und um so intensiver kann sie erlebt werden. Im Rektum des Mannes befinden sich die meisten Nerven des männlichen Körpers. Durch die Stimulation kann bei manchen Männer ein Orgasmus ausgelöst werden, der nicht zwangsweise mit einer Ejakulation einher geht.

However, this area is also burdened with shame for many men. They fear that if they open up to this area, this would testify to a homosexual inclination. Or other men have the desire and do not dare to express this desire to their partner. Here, the tantric massage offers a protected space, a sensitive tantric masseuse introduces even inexperienced men to this sensitive area.

Besides the fact that many men find this massage particularly pleasurable, and that it can bring the man into a deep state of relaxation, the prostate massage increases well-being and has both preventive and healing properties. For this reason, some doctors recommend having the prostate massaged from time to time.

Book your Massage

If you have any questions or would like to book your relaxing Tantra massage, please call or email us.

Phone and Whatsapp:  +49 1525 709 63 37
