About our Tantra Massages
With 1 masseuse
In a relaxing Tantra massage, your whole body is touched with mindfulness and sensitivity, including the intimate area.
An open natural space for encounter can emerge, beyond the general ideas of masculinity and femininity. Through this honest atmosphere it is possible for you to drop the masks of everyday life. You are welcome with all your needs and feelings, so a feeling of wholeness can arise.
The special thing about Tantra massages is above all that you are honoured in your femininity or masculinity, not in order to arouse, but in liberating and relaxing non-intentionality. This allows you to feel that you are whole and perfect.
With 2 masseuses
We love to massage our guests in pairs, enjoy this playfulness and the sensual space. The immersion in warmth, candlelight, soft music, this energy of three loving hearts, is always magical and a special kind of experience.

For the man
A relaxing Tantra massage is an opportunity to recharge and let go. By freeing you from expectations, pressure to perform and control, the tantra massage enables a new encounter with yourself. The extensive lingam massage involves the entire male intimate area.
A prostate massage is also a special experience for most men. Its stimulation is literally a cure. It not only has a preventive effect against prostate cancer, but also leads the man into a deep physical and psychological relaxation.
For the woman
We meet you openly and spontaneously and dive into the magic of the moment together with you.
Your femininity, which encompasses your whole body and beyond, your whole being, can unfold and be deeply experienced by you, and you alone determine which path we take. During the yoni massage we will appreciate and value this soft and devoted region through sensitive touch. Different feelings may arise within you – joy, ecstasy, sadness, memories of old hurts. Therein lies the possibility to experience healing and strengthening.
You can be massaged by an experienced masseuse as well as a sensitive masseur.
For couples
In our couple massages you can experience yourselves anew together as well as individually. We offer you a framework, a ritual space filled with a warm, loving and sacred atmosphere. Through this sensual encounter with yourself, together with your partner, your connection will be enriched and inspired – thus new dimensions can open up.
Diese Massage ist sowohl für Liebespaare als auch für beste Freundinnen bzw. beste Freunde.
"Tantra relaxes the body, opens the heart and helps the mind to focus"
Book your massage
If you have any questions or would like to book your relaxing Tantra massage, please call or email us.
Phone and Whatsapp: +49 1525 709 63 37
Email: massage@somatantramassage.de