Tantra Couples Massage

Tantra Paarmassage im Soma Studio zwischen Köln und Düsseldorf

Every person longs to be loved and accepted. This is not only true for you, but also for your partner. A very special experience for a couple is to experience the Tantra massage as a shared adventure and a sensual, spiritual and ecstatic journey. You will be touched mindfully and lovingly by two givers in the same room (or in separate rooms depending on your preference).

In our tantra couple massages you can experience yourselves together and also each for themselves in a new way.

We offer you a framework, an open, authentic space filled with a warm, loving, mindful atmosphere. This sensual encounter with yourself, together with your partner will enrich and inspire your connection – new dimensions can open up.

This massage is for all couples in love or with the best girlfriend or boyfriend.



1,5 Std. mit 2 Masseurinnen …… 390 €
2 Std. mit 2 Masseurinnen ..…… 470 €
“Spüre die Wärme die von liebevollen Händen ausstrahlt und nimm die Berührung in deinen Körper auf.​

Diana Richardson​

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Wenn Du Fragen hast, oder Deine entspannende Tantra Massage buchen möchtest, rufe uns an oder schreibe uns eine E-Mail.

Tel. und Whatsapp:  +49 1525 709 63 37

Email:     massage@somatantramassage.de